DeLorean at Alamo Draft House, Austin TexasDeLorean at Alamo Draft House, Austin TX interiorDeLorean at Alamo Draft House, Austin TX

2 Replies to “DeLorean at S. Lamar Alamo Drafthouse Ghostbusters Premiere

  1. Nice. I remember reading about John DeLorean and the shenanigans that landed him in jail way back when. That was a shame.

    I once parked my car next to one of these in Los Angeles. It had a notice that it was for sale for 10 thousand. Granted, almost 20 years ago, but still, I was tempted. The difficulty of having it repaired scared me off.

  2. They are cool looking but dynamically a disappointment, I understand. Delorean promised a supercar but settled on a Renault V6 hanging out the rear making the car unbalanced, and not too fast. Definitely an interesting story and attractive stainless steel skin.

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