Visiting Palermo, Sicily,  a few years ago, while I was nosing round the old harbor area, I hit the jackpot stumbling across a specialty garage.  Outside that garage, when I told the garage owner that I was from Texas and wanted to take a look inside, he gruffly turned away in apparent disgust.  I stood at the entrance a few moments, looking at all the cars inside just out of my reach, but finally asked another mechanic if I could take a few pictures.  Shockingly, I was given full access.  Here is one of seven cars I photographed there.  That mechanic even uncovered this car for me!

It took me a few years to identify it as a 1949 Fiat 1500 6C Sport Lanzarone Trasformazione with a Mille Miglia decal.  Turns out that the Falanga Tommaso garage is well-know.  This was one of my greatest discoveries, SCORE!! Unidentified Italian Sports Car, Palermo, Italy front Unidentified Italian Sports Car, Palermo, Italy interior Unidentified Italian Sports Car, Palermo, Italy, 1000 Miglia Specialy garage in Palermo, ItalyUnidentified Italian Sports Car, Palermo, Italy Sicily

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