Special Interest Cars at Dave’s Perfection Automotive Garage in S. Austin
Dave’s Perfection Automotive at 1804 S 1st St, Austin, 78704, (512-444-5919) has provided the highest quality work on vintage, custom and newer cars for decades. Dave passed on, but his shop is continuing its service to

Koop’s Awesome, Menacing Mercury Custom Near S. Lamar
This is just about my favorite car in Austin. Named “Morticia” I think, has ’52 DeSoto grill, 1955 Packard rear fenders, 1957(?) Chevy front wheel fender cut-outs, and a c. 1962 Caddy 390 cu. in.

Fiat 128 North of UT
Internet says: Manufactured 1969-1985, 2.8 million built with 75hp 1,290cc rubber-belt-driven OHC four.