On the east coast of Sicily, Catania is an old seaport that is occasionally ruined by an exploding Mt. Etna visible from the city. In the mean time, I was taking a few pics of this lavishly illustrated APE truck when the owner yelled at me from across the street from his veggie stand. He was boisterous, and called me ‘Texas,’ and offered a ride around the block. Several of these trucks I ran across had almost mythic scenes painted on the body and in the interior, too. Lots of work went into this exterior and interior. ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-interior ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-inside-door ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-rear ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-side-view ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-front-corner ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-front ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-atxcarpics-com-detail ape-3-wheel-truck-in-catania-sicily-italy-atxcarpics-com

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