This encrusted Dodge Dart was down the street from me but haven’t seen it for a while.  Its creator covered the dashboard with melted CDs, calling it the “Dashboard of Broken Dreams”.

Dodge Dart - Austin Art Car Objet DartSixties Dodge Dart - Austin Art Car Objet Dart

One Reply to “Objet Dart in S. Austin, Bouldin Creek Art Car

  1. You should see the INSIDE! We first saw the Objet Dart parked at the old Safeway that was at the corner of Oltorf and South Lamar. We were admiring it when the owner came out of the store and offered to let us sit inside! It was like entering the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album. Very inspiring. Years later we spotted it parked in a driveway just off S. First and either Live Oak or W. Mary or someplace near there.

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