Category: Jeep/Willys

Brilliant 1950s Willys Jeep Pickup
Took these pics at JeepMasters on S. First St, now moved to S. Congress Ave.

Jeep Commando at Colvin Automotive in N. Austin
I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to visit Colvin Automotive although several readers recommended it. The range and quality of the cars and trucks I found there recently was impressive. Featured here is

1954 Accident in Jefferson County
This accident between a hot rod and a jeep resulted in a fatality. This contemporary newspaper picture shows officer Tommy Baxter standing behind the scene.

Jeep Wagoneer at Jeep Masters on S. Congress
Roughly a 1970 model. I had a 1966 Wagoneer that was a terrific truck – it had an American Motors 232 cu. in. straight six, but this one has a V8, either a 350 cu. in. Buick