Custom 1950 Chevrolet at Murphos in S. Austin
Killer custom, Murphos knows how to make great cars. This brilliant custom is owned by James Wilder, founder of the indispensable MOTOR Texas, both linked at right.
Killer custom, Murphos knows how to make great cars. This brilliant custom is owned by James Wilder, founder of the indispensable MOTOR Texas, both linked at right.
Don’t know if this car is still there, took the pic a while ago. This 1960ish Corvette has a recent LS motor, I think, and was very nicely done. Link at right for Motoreum —
1951 Chevy truck body on a modern Chevy S 10 chassis, like many custom trucks seem to be.
Took these pictures for the seller to put on eBay. Don’t know how it went, though.
Met Jalopy Joe at a drug store in far S. Austin. Chatted him up. Now retired, he built hot rods for decades in the SF area. He pointed out a number of subtle details revealing
I see this kind of weird truck on a tall gravel mound when I go to Dallas to see my mom. It was used more recently at a park or pubic attraction.